Soul'D Art | Urban paintings to inspire positive change

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All Hail The NFT Graffiti Queens

Like the immortal yew tree that regenerates and rebirths itself, we are seeing the art world growing into something new again… Another renaissance, that continuously shows us how art can keep reinventing itself into something fresh, exciting, and different… and will keep doing so for as long as we and our creative minds exist.

The riches of the past will always be treasured, but new pots of gold are being created and snapped up as we watch this new art world evolve before our very eyes. In the most furiously calm and almost silent manner, a new era is unfolding and evolving - growing out of the old. And, what our eyes used to behold has now become pixelated. Sit and observe the changing landscape of art behind our computer screen as we see art reaching for the moon… This may be one small step into the digital age, and yet it feels like a really giant leap for art – the artists, buyers, and creatives alike. This is the age that art takes one giant leap into a brave new world.

And, this is where you'll find me; a blond-haired avatar, wearing my best pixel dress and running around in a digital world that reveals its exciting and surreal landscape with every step I take.

It is here, in this virtual world that I recently took part in an all-female NFT artists exhibition called ‘The Graffiti Queens’. The first of its kind in Crypto Art History. Within this virtual world, you can walk up and around the gallery and see the art on display as an NFT.

What is an NFT? It’s the latest buzzword, an anagram phrase that brings art and Crypto together for the first time and creates great value for all involved. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token – and is a blockchain registration of digitalized artwork. The digital world has literally found a way to verify and tag original pieces of work, be it a still or moving image and through the blockchain, we can follow its ownership journey for all eternity. I say whaaaat!

The digital doors opened in April to a Skate Park in Vegas City, which is in Decentraland*

I dropped into the space and caught my first glimpse of the art which was very cleverly surrounding a skateboard park with all its ramps and half-pipes (Yes, it really was a digital skate park - and yes, I did run up & down it for giggles).

I’m not gonna lie, I was interested in finding my piece straight away but as I moved around the edges - side-stepping like a crab, I could not taking my eyes off the work. I was blown away by the beauty and the inventiveness of this gallery collection. This place was full of great art, all created by very talented women. It’s the first time major celebrities had joined forces with NFT artists to take part in an exhibition with the likes of Viktoria Modesta & Pussy Riot showing off their skills. The buzz around this show got the attention of Paris Hilton, who could be seen chatting to the female artists in the exhibition. Talk about bringing different worlds together in a new and cutting-edge world.

After running around the park… Everyone runs here, it’s the norm, I found my Rainbow Warrior - Wisdom of Water, nestled between artists’ Artemis_Wylde and ‪Hackatao. There seemed a natural flow in the display of the work. Hats off to the curator, as all the art pieces complementing each other. Each different. Each super fly. I viewed each piece in all its intricate glory. Zooming in and out, around and then back, seeing the work from all angles, as I worked out how to use the control panel!

I am now honoured to be showcasing the talented work by some of the women in this show. I have included the NFT links on their image, which takes you to their shop - and makes the journey easier when you inevitably fall in love with the work… and you will. Have fun bidding on your very own piece of digital art. Remember it will be an original piece of work and an expression of an artists’ soul that will exist on the blockchain forever. Yours for eternity... or, yours to sell!

After seeing the show, in all its royal glory, I can officially say The Graffiti Queens ROCK! All hail the Graffiti Queens.

Thank you GraffitiKings, founder Darren Cullen for hosting this event and CryptoYuna curator this magic.

If you want to run around the skate park and see some of these beautiful art pieces in all their digital glory, or get a clearer idea of what I am talking about… You can watch it on YouTube ‘BitCoinLive’ interview. 6 mins into the interview, the curator of this event has her Avatar hanging out around my art piece, showing it off in all its glory. Thanks, Yuna!… Link here.

*Decentraland is an online world that gives users a place to create an avatar, interact with other users and participate in everything from concerts and art shows

More articles on the Graffiti Queen exhibition:
NBC News
Crypto Briefing
Art Rights