Help create a Sustainable Business


Keys to Kindness, Rainbow Warrior Stephen company ‘Positive’ is on a mission to empower businesses on their journey to becoming Positive Impact Companies through knowledge, resources, and a peer-led community.


PURPOSE: Purpose at the core

Good companies need a clear social and environmental purpose in place before they can build resilient cultures. 

Action Areas; Culture, Engagement, Governance.

PLANET: Right Relationship with Nature

Businesses now need to give back more than they take so that we can restore ecosystems and build a regenerative economy. 

Action Areas; Net Zero, Zero Waste, Good Materials, Good Products & Services. 

PEOPLE: Elevating Human Potential

Good businesses place their team’s wellbeing front and centre, are inclusive workspaces, and empower their colleagues. 

Action Areas; Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing, Fair Pay, Empowerment.

PARTNERS: Value for All

Regenerative businesses recognise shared value: this involves creating healthy supply chains, supporting human rights,  and healthy living standards. 

Action Areas; Fair Value, Modern Slavery, Suppliers, Ethical Technology. 

PLACES: Empowering Places & Communities

Good companies engage with the communities companies are part of, and recognising each place in its own unique way. 

Action Areas; Marketplace Ethics, Community Impact, Fair Tax, Biodiversity.


Positive Impact Companies (PICs) have emerged in recent years as a new way of doing business. PICs adopt a 360° approach and have a social and environmental purpose at the core of their businesses. They go beyond current notions of sustainability, shifting our economy away from its roots of extraction and exploitation towards caretaking and Regeneration. They operate at a human scale and put people and planet first. 

PICs build on the success of Social Enterprise, first introduced as a concept in the early seventies. In the 2000s, we have witnessed the emergence of mission-led businesses, including Benefit Corporations, embedding stakeholder capitalism, and environmental and social governance (ESG). 

Today, we see the number of mission-led businesses has grown at an accelerated rate and now  includes multinational companies and Fortune 500s. Positive Impact Companies are the disruptive and emerging new corrective force at the leading edge. 

Rainbow Warrior Stephen

Rainbow Warrior Stephen

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Frameworks for Economic Metamorphosis (FR4ME) is the name we have given to our systems change roadmap. This roadmap envisages PICs as a key trend growing at an accelerated rate by 2030 and the driving force by 2050.

The framework draws on the metaphor of the Imaginal Cells. Imaginal Cells are the cells in the caterpillar which hold the vision of the transformation of the butterfly. During this process these cells multiply, and then group in clusters, which then connect with a transformational outcome. Our founder Stephen Vasconcellos published the book Imaginal Cells: Visions of Transformation on the significance of this metaphor at this historic time with Al Gore, Desmond Tutu and Mohamed Yunus.

Whilst the approach we take is multi-sectoral, our immediate goal is to identify and support 1000 Impact Pioneers and Positive Impact Companies in each of the Food & Drinks, Fashion & Lifestyle, Tech For Good, and Circular sectors. These arenas are well-positioned for transformation, and we can create important tipping points en masse by convening and working with groups of pioneers

To deliver FR4ME, Positive is convening a number of institutional partners, universities, academics, accelerators, and funders. We intend to co-create local chapters and regional hubs, to grow the field with our collective impact.


Please get in touch, if this vision resonates with you.