


Rainbow Veil

There is kindness in this heart that goes beyond words. Compassion and thoughtfulness can be learnt, and this is one of the ways Stephen changes the world around him.

This one-off original hand-finished piece captures and creates emotions and ideas. As the oil runs down the image of Stephen, allowing us to catch small yet wonderful glimpses of our ambassador of kindness we might feel safer knowing he exists. Educating people on how to be more loving and kinder is a simple yet incredibly powerful path that can literally change the world.

There is an abundance of colour in this piece on one side, giving us an almost mirror split of monochrome against the deep splash of rainbow. This might remind us that our lives need brightening up or perhaps pose the question “Which side of the fence do we wish to be? All sides are equal, but isn’t it better to have more colour in your life?

Original Painting

This original art piece has been painted with acrylic onto hardboard. Frame included. Size: 814 x 118 mm ( size excluding frame)

Also available in 4 instalments of £433*. Interest-free. More info *Plus postage.

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This painting was created as part of a teaser campaign. The dripping rainbow-coloured oil allows a subtle glimpse of the ‘yet to be released’ images of the Rainbow Warrior artworks.

Read up on the event and how the exhibition went…