


Rainbow Veil

Utema Dolphin stands united with all indigenous people in their fight for life and clean water. As a water protector and ceremonial healer, she carries ancient knowledge and wisdom passed down from the elders.

In this unique one-off creation, the rainbow coloured paints can be seen cascading down in free-form vertical lines, collecting in pools, mixing together and running off the bottom frame. This all creates a vivid and rich texture through this secondary layer. The image invokes feelings of calm and wisdom and a longing for freedom.

Original Painting

This original art piece has been painted with acrylic onto hardboard. Frame included. Size: 814 x 118 mm ( size excluding frame)

Also available in 4 installments of £433*. Interest-free. More info *Plus postage.

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This painting was created as part of a teaser campaign. The dripping rainbow-coloured oil allows a subtle glimpse of the ‘yet to be released’ images of the Rainbow Warrior artworks.

In the lead up to the Bigger Picture Solo Exhibition; and continuing with the theme of rainbow oils, Soul’D created three large “Rainbow Veil”  art pieces. These pieces were created using a dripping curtain effect. This allowed people to see a hint of the new collection of Rainbow Warriors to come. Rainbow Veils is exhibiting in London.

Read up on the event and how the exhibition went…